Overall how do you think the match went?
It went as expected. We knew they could only win rounds off of solo plays so if we stopped that it’d be easy.
On Skyscraper you had a pretty good lead after the Defensive half, in your eyes was the comeback really a comeback or just the nature of the map?
They did make the comeback on us but it has a lot to do with lack of scrim time. That was our first time playing it as a 5 so we knew the attacking side would be a lot harder than the defensive side. Just unfortunate we couldn’t steal a round or two.
What happened on Villa? It’s not often you see plant down with so many opponents alive.
Luckily they don’t know how to use smokes or C4s so we were able to just plant even when one of our players lagged out in the 5v5.
BjL is a recent pickup. Aside from his impressive highlights, what else is he bringing to the team?
He brings a lot more fire power and individuality to the team. Even though I do igl, I don’t do specific individual igling all the time which requires players to be able to make plays with each other when your main voice isn’t calling it.
Your next opponent is HK Rebels in the semi-finals. What should we expect from you and your team against them?
Those guys are a really solid squad and it should be a good match, but I don’t think it should be too close. I expect a 2-0 going in our way.