- Formatting Problems, Elections, and Unavoidable Dilemmas
- The New Wave of High Level Siege Content is the Best Result from the Off Season
- XGS Playoffs: What to look for
- The 1.5x Has to Go
- Smokes are Useless
- The Kings of Nothing. Weak Nicknames in Siege
- The NAL is Competitive, but is it Good?
- Holding out for a Hero: what Heroic needing funding means for Siege
- Not so Super Soniqs
- Where’s the Vods Lebowski?
- Only 6 Games in Front of a Crowd?
- Technical Issues – Tech Timeout Abuse?
- Secondary Utility and It’s Role
- The Off-Season Will be too Long
- Grim Straits
- Can We Please Have Normal Names?
- So Xset is out of Siege
- Siege is Slowing Down
- Integrating IGLs: Why Plug and Play Doesn’t Work
- I Don’t Want a Major in Brazil
- Deathmatch Doesn’t Work Right Now
- Gimmick Teams: Do they still exist?
- Will New Orgs Come to Siege?
- Synergy and Slowdowns
- The Mental Stack: Why Trap Operators Work
- The OXG/SCS Situation
- What is Kali’s Purpose?
- What is going on with Challenger League?
- The Fatal Flaw of the Hero Shooter
- How Teams Are Made Distinct
- RealityTV: What a Flawless Run Could Mean
- Dealing With Balance
- G2 was only good because they beat plumbers
- Challenger League Impressions: Playday 6 & 7
- Buck is Back
- Understanding the Intangibles: Why Your Super team never lasts
- So, You’re Ranked Mode Has Map Bans
- Time To Kill Doesn’t Define a Game’s Pace: CoD Vanguard
- The Decline of Hard Breach Operators
- BDS Needs a Change
- 2 Months of Attacker Repick: A Gamechanger
- Staple Maps: The Case for Keeping Siege’s most overplayed maps
- Expanded Horizons: Rainbow 6’s 9 Map pool
- NAL Week 1 Roundup. Playday 3 Predictions
- Love it or Hate it, Fortnite is Culture Now
- Complexity and the Skill Ceiling
- Understanding Win Conditions